Friday, January 28, 2011

Sheet lessons

I'm nearly 26 years old, and just learned today how to fold a fitted sheet. What's even worse, I was taught by my husband.

When I lived with my parents, I was in charge of doing the laundry but not putting it away (except my own obviously.) Thus, I can time a laundry load down to the minute, and have honed this technique since Mr. V and I moved in together almost two years ago. However, when I do the sheets I just fold them haphazardly and stuff them into the Ikea wardrobe that serves as our linen closet.

So today, as I asked my husband to fold the sheets for me, he asked if I had ever learned how to fold it properly. I had no idea there WAS a proper way to fold a fitted sheet. Apparently my shoving into a closet doesn't count as a proper way. Psh say I, it's always worked for me.

Well, his way worked better. At least it folded up into a square instead of a vaguely oblong rectangle.

I guess it's a good thing I have a domesticated husband, even if it takes away from my title as The Perfect Housewife.

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