It's probably easier to start The Perfect Housewife Project on a day when you're not working as well, so today was that day! Granted it wasn't the best start, but c'est la vie.
Due to missing my husband's birthday a few weeks ago due to being at work, we went out for a belated birthday dinner at Glowbal in Yaletown. Delicious it was, but perfect housewife-wise, it was not. Somehow I don't think Martha Stewart would be giving me points for taking my husband out for dinner instead of preparing it with my own little hands. However, there's no way I could have made any of what he had, from the prime rib burger to the kobe meatball satay. The dessert on the other hand? Perhaps that is something I could look into. Lemon meringue cheesecake? It's an ambitious thought, but I will give it a shot at some point.
However, I was an excellent cleaning fairy today. Though I didn't bring out the vacuum, I did manage to clean up our living room, den and kitchen, which was a feat in itself. The only thing left is to Windex the coffee table and windows, which I plan to do tomorrow as well as vacuum and wash the linoleum floors.
Day one of my newest project is complete; it's a small step towards domestic goddessery, but as that old saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Today, my single step was tidying up, and that's way better than nothing at all.
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